Comments Off on OutWiker – the tree notes organizer
If you know me you probably know I have been using Zim for years to organize notes. It is billed as a "Desktop Wiki". In the Zim group someone mentioned [...]
Comments Off on Bitchute — A YouTube Alternative for the Right Reasons
YouTube has offered an amazing change for Internet users. It means that you can share your videos and find an amazing amount of videos from others. But, the [...]
The world is full of things to create web sites. WordPress is probably the most popular but to do anything beyond a dumb blog there is learning to do. And more [...]
Language evolves. Just like "Xerox" became the verb meaning "make a photocopy", "google" has evolved into a verb meaning to search the web using a search [...]
I have used elgg before. It is "old" social media web site software. By old I mean both that it has been around for may years and it is just social software, [...]
Over a year ago I talked about Keybase and I am back to say more. When I posted before it was an alternative way to confirm the identity of others (using other [...]
Much to the disgust of many of my friends, I love Wikis. The flexibility they offer you is perfect for the way I think. And one thing that is beyond a Wiki is [...]
Kanboard is a project management system with a non-typical approach. If you are familiar with Trello, it is very much like that but Open Source. You can find [...]
Ages ago I was organized on an imitation Palm Pilot. (I forget the brand but it was basically a cheap clone.) Well, we have all moved beyond that. The other [...]
I have a project that needs a small internal web site. It's only going to be about a dozen pages, mostly static. There will be a few forms and one page that [...]