Author: fyl

Talking to Cameras with Motion

Adding pictures from web cams used to be easy. They usually had the ability to FTP an image to wherever you want. Unfortunately, "modern" web cams have more [...]

My Life with Transistors

When I was young, my dad worked at National Technical Schools, a technical trade school that was world-famous. It offered correspondence courses in electronics [...]

OutWiker – the tree notes organizer

If you know me you probably know I have been using Zim for years to organize notes. It is billed as a "Desktop Wiki". In the Zim group someone mentioned [...]

Instant Pot

No, this has nothing to do with fast growing marijuana. (Is there such a thing?) This is a kitchen appliance that I avoided buying for quite a while. Why? [...]

Becoming More Invisible

For me, becoming less "spied upon" has been a process and it is far from done. Sometimes I forget how serious this spy level is. Yesterday I was reminded when [...]

Vocho — Update 2

The previous episode of this adventure is Update 1. The first obvious note is that there has been a huge delay. It's not my fault -- blame it on a combination [...]

Bitchute — A YouTube Alternative for the Right Reasons

YouTube has offered an amazing change for Internet users. It means that you can share your videos and find an amazing amount of videos from others. But, the [...]

A Linux New Year

Installing Linux for "Joe Average" hasn't been on my list in ages but it seems to be a Linux season here right now. I installed Linux on Jean-Pierre's [...]

Creating sites with SPIP

The world is full of things to create web sites. WordPress is probably the most popular but to do anything beyond a dumb blog there is learning to do. And more [...]

Searching with YaCy

Language evolves. Just like  "Xerox" became the verb meaning "make a photocopy", "google" has evolved into a verb meaning to search the web using a search [...]